Drones – what to consider
The growing use of drones across industries is impressive and increasing at a rapid pace. Following the exponential growth in e-commerce, companies like Amazon, Alibaba, UPS, DHL and even Google are investigating the use of drones to automate delivery and reduce delivery times. Drones are also being employed for a range of uses in agriculture, including monitoring and spraying crops, analysing fields and soil, irrigation and even planting. Technologies such as thermal imaging, mapping and light detection, help farmers increase their yields, use less chemicals and get more out of resources such as water and fertilizer.

But what must one consider? As commercial drone usage is gaining pace, regulations are playing catch up and may not always be well documented. Users however, cannot plead ignorance and must always ensure that they adhere to the rules of drone usage. These rules may include the following:
- How close you can fly to airports and restricted air space
- Flying over other high-risk areas such as crowds, power lines or roads
- Whether you need to maintain direct line of sight to the drone when it is in flight
- The distance you must keep away from buildings or people
- The maximum height you can fly a drone
- Be aware of the privacy implications of this technology

Cover for drones are not automatically included in your short term insurance policy. Insurance companies have started providing specific policies for drone usage and it’s a good idea to have cover in place, should something go wrong. This is true both for the commercial user or the hobbyist. Should you have a drone, please contact your broker and ensure that this expensive item is covered correctly. Please remember to ask your broker about cover for Liability that may arise from drone usage.
Let’s all be vigilant and prepared for both the opportunities and risks that drones pose, and make sure your insurance cover is in place.

Here are more niche products for specialist needs that are offered by Hollard and recommended by Legacy. No business is the same and our Brokers work hard to ensure that you get a tailor-made quotation for your particular business. We have to agree with the following words from Hollard – LONG LIVE THE BROKER!! As always, we are looking forward to doing business with you!

Group personal accident cover for death, permanent disability, temporary total and/or partial disability, and medical expenses.
In addition, they offer:
• Terrorism and disfigurement included at no extra cost
• HIV counselling, submission of COID and RAF claims assistance can be included
• Flexible options of benefits and covers, including aggregate excesses, burning cost or 50/50 options
• Enroute In-Car Insurance® covers driver and passengers and Enroute On-Road covers individuals
• The Multi-Benefit Plan is aimed at the one-man business

Specialised products that best suit the specialist needs of tourism businesses.
Long-standing partnerships with a number of African insurers allow us to provide insurance solutions for risks throughout Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean islands. We cover Urban Hotels, Boutique Hotels, B&B’s, Guesthouses, Conference Centres, Safari Lodges, Tented Camps, Golf and Wildlife Estates, Game and Nature Reserves, and more.

Trade guarantees:
• Customs
• Transnet
• Airline
• Fuel
Construction guarantees:
• Advanced payment
• Retention
• Materials on and off site
• Bid bonds

Niche products purpose-designed around the needs of hauliers and transport contractors, focusing on companies that carry goods for reward.
Hollard’s specially designed trucking policy is tailored per client. From comprehensive cover to limited third party cover, with additional covers such as Loss of Use, Excess Reducers etc. are available on request.
Underwriting can be done on a fleet or single-vehicle basis. Cars, LDVs, buses and certain specialty vehicles can be considered, but only if they form a minor part of the vehicle schedule.

Although cancellation of policies forms part of our daily tasks one do not always realize the pitfalls (regulatory requirements) that we may face when a request to cancel a policyholder’s policy is received.
We tend to forget that the policy contract is an agreement where the policyholder and the Insurer enter into an agreement with each other. As an Intermediary, the broker assists the client to find a policy that suits the client’s needs the best. The broker however never becomes a party to the contract between the policyholder and the Insurer. For an agreement to end, either of the parties must in terms of the contract’s terms and conditions, inform the other party of the cancellation of the contract. It therefore stands, that subject to regulations, only the policyholder or the Insurer may cancel the insurance policy.
In 2016 the FSCA (formerly FSB), published an article where they dealt with this issue in detail. Among other requirements the Regulator has made it clear that written consent should be obtained from the policyholder prior to the cancellation of any such policy.
For Legacy Underwriting Managers to comply with the above, and other regulatory requirements, we may only cancel a policy if we have received the following documentation:
- The policy holder’s signed written instruction or consent to cancel the policy.
- A written mandate signed by the policyholder authorizing or instructing the broker to cancel the policy on the policyholder’s behalf. The policyholder’s instruction to the broker must be clear that the broker may cancel the policy on the policyholder’s behalf and must not be vague. If there is any doubt about the cancellation instruction, it may be required to request the client to confirm the cancellation instruction in writing before the policy can be cancelled.
Any such consent or instruction should at least contain the policy holder’s details and policy number.
Where the policyholder’s request for cancellation is obtained telephonically, the conversation must be recorded and submitted to us. The conversation needs to be clear and the policyholder needs to be identified. It is also important that the policyholder must give explicit instructions to cancel the policy. Depending on the quality and the contents of the recording, the policy may be cancelled. It is however strongly recommended that a written consent or instruction is obtained from the policyholder in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.
Legacy also appreciates your assistance in providing us with the reason for the policy being cancelled. This information will assist us and the Insurers with our TCF commitments towards the development of products, that are designed to meet the needs of policyholders and also that products and services are provided that comply with the policyholder’s expectations.

The latest addition to our growing Art Collection:

“It was a Good Day” (2007)
Adriaan Boshoff (1935-2007)
Size: 107cm x 185cm
Few artists have captured the optimistic spirit of a nation as much as Adriaan with his landscapes, often with cattle grazing, seascapes, still lifes and figurers. His oil paintings have become known for portraying everyday scenes in his own unmistakable impressionistic style as he represents the mood, atmosphere, colour and light – the very soul of the South African sun-baked landscape.It was a Good Day is one of Adriaans last works he painted before his death in April 2007. On the 4th of June 2018 the painting was auctioned by Strauss & Company at The Wanderers Club in Johannesburg. According to Strauss & Company it was the largest Adriaan Boshoff painting ever to be presented at their auction.
The vast, golden outstretched beach is populated by men, women and children fisher folk, hauling in and carrying in their woven baskets an abundant catch from the magnificent deep aquamarine and turquoise ocean. Three fishing boats are docked along the shore with a group of seagulls squabbling overhead whilst the boats are being unloaded. A triad of figures are placed in the centre of the picture plane creating a well-structured composition, yet they allow for a natural flow of observation on the other proceedings that are unfolding on either side.
Typical of Boshoff, the clothes of his figures are painted in a spectacular array of jewel-like colours, red, yellows, blues and purple are juxtaposed against the pale yellow and sandy colours of the beach, adding to the striking richness and vivacity of this work. Because of the scale and vitality of the individual elements, the viewer’s eye is drawn around the painting – every small detail of the figures and the content of their baskets lures the viewer to investigate the shapes and forms with enthusiasm.
Adriaan used thin lengthy brush strokes with layers of impasto to add texture and volume to the shimmering surface of the golden beach sand that waves and curls over half of the canvas. The same colours of paint to render the beach have been repeated onto the background colours of the sky, creating a masterful harmonious balance.
The whimsical sunset that recedes into the horizon have been treated with delicate and controlled brush strokes in a spectacular rainbow of warm colours that flow into each other, touching onto the deep blue ocean with a striking contrast.
Adriaan emphasised that the most specific reason why he enjoyed to portray West-coast themes was because of the fishing communities’ pure heartedness and grateful nature. They are people that lived from day to day, purely from what nature had to offer. By observing their gestures, one could experience the joy and excitement that they celebrated with a good catch after a challenging day at sea. Adriaan remarked that his goal was to capture the joyous and bustling atmosphere and to allow the viewer to experience the same feeling of excitement and gratitude that the fishermen experienced.
Prior to his first stroke of paint onto the canvas, Adriaan thoroughly researched the setting on the beach and examined the daily pursuits and every behaviour of the fishing folk. He would experiment with countless drawings and preparatory sketches, locking the scene away in his memory. Although the final painting was not done en-plein-air but back at his studio, he always managed to masterfully capture the atmosphere of the moment and the transient effect of the suns rays like a true Impressionist.
Straus & Co Fine Art Auctioneers. 2018. Important South African and international art. Johannesburg.

The Legacy Call Center will always be ready to gladly assist you in need.
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