Have you ever come home from a wonderful holiday only to discover that your house has been broken into? A burglary is just as bad at any time, but there’s just something about the one that happened while you were away.
Here are a few useful tips to keep in mind before you go on your well deserved break;
- Create the impression that your home is occupied. Arrange with trusted neighbours or friends to look after your home. They can switch the lights of your home on and off at intervals. They can also draw the curtains at intervals.
- Arrange for the cancelations of regular deliveries (for example; daily newspapers) for the period you are away.
- Check your alarm. Make sure your alarm is serviced and in good working order.
- Cut the grass and water the plants.
- Make sure that all garden and DIY tools are securely locked away, as this can be used to break into your home. Also store garden furniture in a locked outbuilding.
- All valuables, important documents and items of sentimental value should be hidden away in a safe place.
- Remove all keys from all locks and hide them in a safe place (including your spare car keys).
- Make sure all doors and windows are securely locked before your leave.
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