All the Platinum policyholders who qualify for their benefit need to monitor their bank accounts for their 2019 payout.
How do you know if you qualify for the Hollard Platinum benefit?
- If you had the Golden Policyholder 1 Status for 2 years and then the Golden Policyholder 2 Status for another 2 years, with favourable claims statistics, you will be rewarded with Golden Policyholder 3 Status, which includes the Platinum Benefit from Hollard.
- You need to maintain the Golden Policyholder 3 or Golden Policyholder 4 status in order for your first benefit payout to take place in the sixth year.
Where does this extra cash come from?
Hollard gives a pre-determined percentage of their premium (depending on your Platinum status) back to you as a reward, provided that the Platinum Status has been maintained throughout the full period.
For the Hollard policy holders that maybe did not qualify yet, let this serve as some encouragement to manage your portfolio in such a way, that you may also enjoy this nice surprise in time to come.
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